Oswaldo Lairet
3 min readJan 8, 2017


Avatars Я Us

Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth ―Marcus Aurelius

Along with the 20th century. the true nature of our mind dawned on science. Yet, if only the power elite at the time (1902), became aware that human self-identity is merely a “looking-glass” illusion, primed for “culturally-enforced” coding. ask yourself, would they have placed your interests over theirs? Much less, after 20th century-science left no doubt, the brain is a fully programmable-logic device, preset to function best as a circuit-node. Yet, stacked with sufficiently massive permanent and random-access memory capacity to make it self-sustainable and adaptable to innumerable, complex and non-deterministic tasks that computers, by design, can never achieve.


CPU Stands for Central Processing Unit, yet regarding our brain, it refers to our Limbic System: Completely Primitive Unconscious.

OS (Operating System) in computers. Organized Screener in our case, one of the many executive functions of the Prefrontal Cortex.

I/O (Input/Output) monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. help CPUs interact, just as our Sensory Receptors (eyes, ears, nose, taste buds, skin, etc.) help us.

SOFTWARE A set of commands coded into computers to perform. In our case, codes are fed via sounds, colors, flavors, aromas, etc. from infancy to prime every set of stimuli (think of it as START Apps) known to spur a high enough dopamine response to keep us returning for more thru our lifetimes.


Many of the foods and habits said to prolong our health might be harmful or at best useless over time. For instance, when it comes to:

Nutrition Keeping our brain’s health depends on this factor more than any. Yet, as shown in Hack the Matrix, it is difficult to change our fate in this area, unless we realize our senses were bred since young, to crave foods bearing no nutritional value and high odds of triggering irreversible cell-damage.

Exercise Most of us think of it as a way of counteracting the effects of unhealthy eating habits, a notion fueling our yearning for useless gear. For instance, as posted in Huarache Runners and explained by Chris McDougall (Appendix B), the larger the gap between our soles’ nerve endings and the surface we run on, the higher the potential for injury.


Linked below are 3 concepts that provide a long-range perspective on what truly underlies financial matters.

Interest Rates: The price of uncertainty.

Net Present Value: Uncertainty rules the value of future cash flows.https://symmetric.world/

Information Symmetry: Insight*People/Uncertainty= EXP Wealth Growth.


Social interaction follows the rules of engagement established by our animal brain’s perceived social status. Thus, optimizing our “net protocol” rests on identifying, committing to, and incorporating high-rank behavior code, despite unique constraints

PICTURE: Against a background of neon lights, a lighted-skull turns invisible. Combined from Acrylic Brain by J. Orrico + Times Square by E. Bresciani.

LINKS: Avatar-Brain, Information Asymmetry, Hack the Matrix, Sequoian, Huarache Runners.



Oswaldo Lairet

Headed Tsy & Country at Citi, Merrill, etc. Launched B/D & Hedge Funds. Master Ds @ Tepper & Kellogg